Freitag, 22. August 2014

String Thing # 54

At first I'd like to say THANK YOU for the many nice and kind comments on my last tangle. I didn't like it, but you all are right, I had a lot of fun to do it so it's ok like it is :-)

This time I came back to my favourite colors, here they are:

I think it's obvious I like the color red, isn't it? ;-) This week the challenge of "It's a String Thing" was to use the string #52 and the following paterns:

Bilt by Lisa Skeen, CZT
Rick's Paradox by Rick Roberts
Bitten by Carole Ohl, CZT
Rosewood by Sandra Strait

You know I'm still a beginner and I had my difficulties with Paradox and Rosewood because of the straight lines, but it's the first tie I drew them and I think, it turned out well. 

I'm curious for the next challenge.

Have a nice time and tangle on!

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